Archivo | 17:38

Walt Disney Pictures present…

14 Abr

It seems Walt Disney had the ability of seeing the future and saw my life. Then he started to write stories based on my personal experiences…

Bear. That’s my totem. The brown bear. That’s the one I chose. «Why?» they asked me. Easy: bears are big animals, with a lot of hair all over their body. Just like me. Bears are cuddly: every time you see a bear, don’t you think of hugging them? Just like me. When bears get angry, they can be very aggressive: they might hurt you. Just like me. They take great care of their own. Just like me. When someone upsets them, they stop wanting to go with him/her. Just like me.

One of my favourite Disney films is «Brother Bear». Maybe that’s another reason for which I chose my totem. What’s more, I feel identified with that film. I see myself as Kenai, taking care of Koda. Imagen

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Interpreting my dreams

14 Abr

Adri has two classes of philosophy every Thursday. At first, they thought it would be horrible and that they would all end up commiting suicide. But, little by little, they’ve noticed that is not that bad. They don’t even go fast, and they make lots of debates. Although the teacher is not the best, or at least that’s what most say, the subject is quite interesting. What’s more, they’ve got Fernando in their class, which makes it even more interesting and sometimes funny due to his Buddhist ideals. Alan seats next to Adri, and he is also one of those weirds childs in the class XD. Alan has his «mystical ideas» and always disagrees with everyone in the class. They sometimes laugh at him, but not as much as they laugh at Christy. Poor thing! Every time she speaks, they all turn around to listen the great comment she will make. She sometimes contradicts herself or say things which are far too obvious… Anyway.

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And I’m not strong enough

14 Abr

Every Saturday, Adri meets his friends at five o’clock. They play some games, do activities… And they usually finish quite late. Adri has been arriving home at 1 o’clock a.m. in the last two weeks, but he usually returned at 12:00. His mum doesn’t like the idea of arriving so late. It’s not because of the time, although Adri’s father tends to stay up until he arrives, but because he returns alone.

He is the only one of the group who lives there. Layla lives 20 minutes away, so Adri usually accompanies her. He doesn’t like his friend to walk alone in those alleys: one day, she confessed him that she fears her neighborhood. I understand her, I would also be afraid of it.

So, because Adri lives in a calmer area, he doesn’t mind accompanying his friend so he makes sure she gets home safe. I’m sure his parents would understand the reason why Adri gets home half an hour later.

Then, the bad part begins: is turn for Adri to walk back home. As I said before, the street he has to walk is quiet, calm and, apparently, peaceful. But that is what he, and his family, doesn’t like. The more calm it is, the more dangerous it can be.

Adri always walks on the right sidewalk. The one which is on the left hand is by a dark park where teenagers drink and smoke. It’s not strange that Adri prefers to walk on the right hand sidewalk. He usually sees groups of boys walking on the other side of the street. Perhaps they are not dangerous, perhaps they wouldn’t rob Adri, but just in case…

The thing is, he is also a teenager. And it’s not the first time that Adri crosses someone in the street and that person gets away from him, or holds her handbag closer, like protecting herself. Isn’t it ironic? I mean, Adri avoids one path so he is not stolen and people think he wants to steal them. Come on! Adri wouldn’t kill a fly! He is as good as gold!

On one hand, that makes Adri feel safer. That means that maybe he wouldn’t get stolen. Of course, if a group of five wanted to rob him, they would. On the other hand, Adri doesn’t want to be seen as a robber. His friends know that he would never rob anyone, but he’d like that the rest think alike.

Adri remembers when a stupid child from his twin friends community didn’t wanted to approach him ‘cause they thought he would smash them in their faces. He started laughing.